Ernest Hemingway:

As Ernest Hemingway once said...
'All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.'

Thursday, January 29, 2009

all of the sudden i like lists

Ten Things I Love About My Monkey Girl
  1. Her feet.
  2. The way she squeals at the TV when it's off.
  3. How her face totally lights up when she sees me.
  4. Her face when she smiles at her Daddy.
  5. Her big, brown eyes that are just like mine.
  6. When she takes a break from eating, looks right into my eyes and smiles then goes in for more.
  7. Her unbelievably sweet face when she's sleeping.
  8. Her fat, roly-poly thighs.
  9. When she takes a break from playing to look at me and make sure I'm watching her.
  10. The way she smiles at her blue octopus friend.

Okay, so I could go on and on, but am stopping myself. It amazes me every day how I can love someone so much. Just when I think I couldn't possibly love her more, I do. She's the best, even when she's screaming. Man, that girl has a set of lungs.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

8 annoying things about facebook

  1. People who befriend everyone and their brother so they can have a big friend count. Even if it means befriending someone you haven't spoken to in years without so much as a 'hey, how the eff are you?'
  2. People who spend so much time doing stupid crap that it floods your news feed.
  3. People who can't use the status line correctly. For example, 'Bob is I hate people.' You can delete the 'is' and manipulate your language to make it work. Not that difficult.
  4. People who join every cause in the book and ask you to join too.
  5. People who hand out things like flair, beer, and presents.
  6. When I get random emails from Facebook telling me so-and-so has commented on my status, sent me a message, etc., but I don't have any friends by that name.
  7. People who answer questions directed to you just because they know the answer and they're online 24/7.
  8. People who post status updates that can't possibly be true. For example, 'Bob is cooking dinner right now.' No you're not, you're on the computer. Try 'Bob is taking a break from cooking dinner.'

I just realized almost all of these are actually about people, and not about Facebook. Me? Annoyed with people? I cannot imagine such a thing.

You'd think being so annoyed with Facebook would keep me away, yet I find myself back their at least daily. I'm so nosy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So as I previously posted, I've become somewhat of a Starbuck's regular at the location near my office. It went to a whole new level yesterday though. The girl behind the counter remembered my name (which is another story all together - why do they need to know my name in the first place?).

This bothers me in and of itself because I'm not exactly the type of person to become a regular anywhere. First because I don't frequent the same places too much - it gets boring. Second because I'm more of a private person, and this doesn't correspond well to being a regular. But I could deal with it. I like their coffee dammit.

The real reason it bothers me though is I absolutely CANNOT STAND the girl who called me by name. And she is always there in the mornings. I can't stand even the sight of her face, it sickens me. First, she's a complete bitch to her co-workers. She's very condescending, with an air of being better than everyone else. Which is totally undeserved, as she works the same job as them and isn't even that cute. Well, she might be cute except she expends no energy whatsoever to even making sure her hair has touched a brush.

And she acts all nice and stuff towards the customers (like remembering my name) but I can tell it's just an act. Almost too if she has to work extra hard to cover up the fact that she's puking on the inside from disgust over having to communicate with the likes of us. It makes me ill.

So I'm thinking I may not frequent this Starbuck's anymore. Which would be a good thing I guess, since I don't really need to spend the money, and there's not really another location that is convenient. I think the combination of my already not-so-happy morning self and the urge to want to punch her in the face might get out of control one of these days, which would obviously be bad. Very bad.

It sucks though. Maybe she'll quit.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Today I walked by my work friend making copies and I said 'makin' copies' a la Rob Schneider on SNL in the early 90s. She smiled. When I got upstairs I realized she probably had no idea what I was talking about since she was like 7 or 8 at the time this skit was on. D'oh. I'm so effing old.