Ernest Hemingway:

As Ernest Hemingway once said...
'All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.'

Friday, June 15, 2012

one space or two?

So a while back I learned that it's now preferred to put one space after periods instead of two. I filed it away, and continue to use two, because let's face it, it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks. Habit takes over. My thumb just plain hits the big bar twice.

But thanks to a life-changing (or at least really important) post by Writer's Block Admin Services (credit to Robert Chazz Chute for providing the link), I learned that this problem is very easily solved. In Word, using the replace feature, in the 'find' box you type two spaces. In the 'replace' box type one. Hit 'replace all'. Wham. Done. It's that easy.

Sure makes me feel dumb for dreading the task of deleting them all one by one.


Jo Michaels said...

And aren't you glad for Jo's post? :) She has a bunch of helpful tips and tricks like that on her blog. WRITE ON!

Jen said...

So glad.

S.P. Bowers said...

Yea, that's very hard to get used to. I've had to do the search and replace too. Unfortunately I did it when I still had track changes on. I didn't want to accept all the changes because there were a lot of others that I needed to go through and work on. so I had to go through and fix Every. Single. One. It took forever.

Jeff Hargett said...

I may go to my grave with two spaces trailing me. Old dog here. Let me have both and I'll be happy. I even put two spaces between sentences when I tweet!

R Chazz Chute said...

Glad that worked out. I'm always on the hunt for stuff to make my life easier. My dream is to get the mobile chair and have robots take care of everything, like in WALL-E. :)