Ernest Hemingway:

As Ernest Hemingway once said...
'All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.'

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

very sweet doggie needs home

A friend of mine has to get rid of a very sweet dog. My friend has 1 1/2 year old triplets, and the dog is a bit skiddish around them. She's great, but doesn't exactly know what to do with three stumbling toddlers coming at her from all directions.

She's a 6 year old golden mix of some sort. She's about the average size of a lab, is up to date with all of her vet info and shots, and can even do tricks. My friend has one request - that Lily (the doggie's name) has a yard to play in, as she loves to play fetch.

Lily was spoiled to death before the girls came. My friend had trouble getting pregnant, so Lily was her baby for 6 years. If you know anyone, please let me know. She's a great dog.

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